SMS Marketing

Looking for SMS Marketing in Mauritius? We can get you started now!

The perfect way to reach all your consumers, be it a 10-year old kid or a 60-year old adult! Have you ever heard about SMS? Obviously yes! It stands for “short message service” and is also known as text messaging. According to statistics, more than 90% of the population has a cell phone and 95% of them are familiar with sending and receiving text messages.



0 0 .

Name a campaign
Name a subject
Enter details

Test & Send
0 0 .

Test through browsers
Email clients

0 0 .

Measure opens & clicks
Recipient activity
Engagement etc

0 0 .

Email client usage,
Bounce summury,
social sharing..etc


Most importantly, customers open and read SMS within seconds which makes it more effective in contrast to other digital marketing approaches where customers need to have a Wi-Fi connection for the content to be opened. It is undoubtedly a very useful way to advertise your products, services or promotion within minutes!

If you still unsure about whether you should get involved in SMS Marketing, then maybe looking at these statistics can help you:

  • 90% of users who enrol in an SMS loyalty program feel they gained value from it
  • 70% of people prefer to receive offers on their mobile phones
  • 57% of consumers are interested to opt for a SMS loyalty program
  • Coupons sent via SMS are 10 times more likely to be claimed


Communicate directly and instantly with your consumers by implementing an SMS Marketing plan. At Sphere Media Technologies, we can help you get closest to your consumers by even implementing an offline to online tracking process in order to measure your ROI.

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From Spark to Story – Your Brand’s Journey with Sphere Media Technologies

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