Google launches ‘Continuous Scrolling’ for desktop search

Google launches 'Continuous Scrolling' for desktop search


Google launches ‘Continuous Scrolling’ for desktop search

Google launches 'Continuous Scrolling' for desktop search

To make it easier for consumers to discover the relevant search results for English-language searches in the U.S., Google is expanding its ‘Continuous Scrolling’ function, which was previously only available on mobile devices.

While lots of the improvements are geared toward mobile users, Google is also working to enhance desktop search. To give users rapid access to information like the weather and stock prices, the company has been experimenting with widget-styled cards on the home page.


Source: Twitter

Users should be aware that ‘continuous scrolling’ is not the same as ‘endless scrolling.’ They can scroll down and view up to six pages of search results before using the ‘More’ button to go through more options. According to Google, viewers on mobile devices can only scroll through the first four pages of search results at once.


Source: Search Results 

Google has historically shown search results in ‘pages.’ Visitors who had previously scrolled down the search result page had to click on the page number at the bottom to view further results. Additionally, the new feature can make websites that didn’t score well enough to appear on the main page more visible.

The joke goes that page 2 of Google search results is the greatest spot to hide something criminally dangerous because people tend to avoid going there and very few courageous souls go further down the page. The change comes as many people lament the deteriorating quality of Google search results.

Google has made several adjustments, including enhancing the look of search results. In September, a feature that presented Reddit and Quora results under the headline ‘Discussions and forums’ was also introduced.

Google has announced that its desktop search results will now load continuously rather than split pages. Although not exactly an ‘unlimited’ scroll, the update is in line with one made on mobile in October last year. According to Google, the update is initially launching for English searches in the US but based on how the feature is launching on mobile devices, it would be reasonable to anticipate that other markets and languages will be added over time.

As a Digital Marketing Agency in Mauritius, we’re thrilled about this amazing new feature and cannot wait to hear about the release of other features in the years to come.

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