Sales Funnel Stages: The ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu Contents

The ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu Contents

Sales Funnel Stages: The ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu Contents

 The ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu Contents

The stage names are acronyms that allude to the sales funnel, which represents casting a wide net to collect leads and then taking a more focused approach as you go closer to the bottom of the funnel, which leads to sales. ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu are acronyms for the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel, respectively.

Although the ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu content categories are distinct from one another, they are all crucial for closing the funnel and maximizing lead conversions. This article will explain the newest content kinds and provide you with practical advice for producing ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu content.

In what ways may can you use ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu?

ToFu: Content for the awareness stage of the sales funnel is called “ToFu.” You want to draw customers’ attention to your business with this information because they aren’t yet aware of it.

MoFu:Customers are thinking about solutions since they are aware of their issue or that something is missing. The issue and potential solutions should be explained in this article.

BoFu: Content for the decision stage is created for the bottom of the funnel (BoFu). Customers are prepared to choose a solution. This information needs to persuade them that your answer is the finest or make it simple for them to access your solution.

Brand Evangelism: Customers who have purchased from your company or who want to do so.

ToFu, MoFu, BoFu

Source: VisualParadigm 

ToFu: Top of the Funnel / Awareness Stage

  • Widest audience
  • Most general
  • Interested in what you do
  • Least ready to convert
  • Lowest value

Buyers are at the top of the funnel, or awareness stage, when they have just realized they have an issue or may be just dimly aware of a need. This could be a short video, social media post, search ad, content partnership, or social media advertisement. In the upcoming years, media formats and content will change even more quickly.

ToFu content creation requirements:

  • Have a thorough understanding of the media your prospects consume, including the platforms, genres, time spent, degree of engagement, and how these habits may change as a result of the rapid development of new technology.
  • Consider both the themes and the topics, such as comedy, emotional investment, intriguing information, inspiration, and more, to determine what attracts your prospects’ attention.
  • The following demographic data will help you target your prospects. 

How to Develop Powerful Stage Content for ToFu Sales Funnels

At this point in the sales funnel, content attracts prospects’ attention and introduces them to your company.

  • Reiterate Your Point: Content for a ToFu sales funnel might be difficult because it’s more difficult than ever to capture your audience’s attention. It’s also crucial to keep in mind that it can take a few different ToFu-based products and appearances before a client pays attention. 
  • Focus on Your Audience: To reach the proper people, precise demographic or interest-based social media targeting will be crucial. This could entail visiting your website, subscribing to your emails, following you on social media, or joining a group you manage.

Content Types for the ToFu Sales Funnel Stage

  • Post on social media: Keep in mind that social media posts aren’t universally applicable and that each platform has its own guidelines for content curation and sharing.
  • Social media ads: An illustration might be a targeted advertising with a good artwork.
  • A relationship with an endorsement: An influencer may already have the interest of your audience. Consult a well-known industry authority and inquire about a product endorsement or advertisement.
  • Infographic: Provide clients with a summary of a question, issue, or subject while preferably providing easily digestible facts regarding others who share their concerns. 
  • Overview blog: Help your customer grasp the issue and what they can do about it by using high-search-volume keywords, SEO, and information that is simple to scan. 
  • Quick video: The video need not specifically address a particular issue; it might be general in nature and cover a variety of topics. 
  • Quiz or survey: Ask a series of brief questions to learn more about your customer and to aid in their comprehension of a subject, issue, or group. 
  • Display ad: Often referred to as «sponsored content» or a similar term, display advertising appears on articles or pages that your clients are already visiting.
  • Welcome new leads with an introductory email: Material from the awareness stage to advance them to the next level of the sales funnel. 

MoFu: Middle of the Funnel / Consideration Stage

  • Targeted audience
  • Meets buyer persona criteria
  • Interested in a benefit you provide
  • May already be a lead
  • Moderate value

At this point in the funnel, the customer is looking for solutions to their issues or ways to fill a gap in their lives. They are already familiar with your company and have some sort of tenuous relationship with you if your previous ToFu material was effective. 

A few common variables can assist you modify your strategy even if the media and content types you employ to continue engaging with your leads are probably going to change over time.

To make MoFu content, you will need the following:

  • A tenuous relationship you already have with your customer; social media follower, previous website visitor, newsletter sign-up.
  • A tool for creating educational material, blog on your website, a blogging platform, video blog etc.
  • CTA to advance to the following stage

How to Create Stage Content for a MoFu Sales Funnel

Your ToFu content will create a small connection with your audience, which will open the door for your MoFu content.

Improve Relationships

Even if a potential customer has given you their email address, followed your social media accounts, or visited your website, it doesn’t necessarily indicate they are ready to make a purchase just yet. The length and substance of all ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu content kinds will depend on your company plan. Estimating how long consumers stay in this stage and comprehending the signals that indicate when they enter and exit this stage are crucial in this situation.

Content Types for the MoFu Sales Funnel Stage

  • Email drip: Emails are still very powerful when they have the correct information. 
  • In-depth blog: To establish a successful business blog, find out what your consumers are discussing in related social groups or on Q&A forums if you can’t gather precise data on long-tail keywords. 
  • Relevant news: If a recent invention, significant event, the introduction of a new product, the opening of a new store, or other news has a connection to the issue the consumer is experiencing, it can be beneficial material but should be carefully chosen. 
  • Checklist: Use a structured set of tasks to assist consumers in solving a problem. 
  • Ebooks:An attractively produced, educational ebook might provide the customer with the information they need if the problem or solution is more difficult.
  • Guide: Share your knowledge in the field and provide the best solution to an issue, along with thorough step-by-step instructions.
  • Templates: Use a map template, for instance, to find the safest path.
  • Detailed video: 60% of website viewers prefer to watch a video to reading an article. 
  • Newsletter: Staying at the forefront of your customers’ minds is a terrific approach to maximize the value of the information you are already providing.
  • Microblog: Generally speaking, hosting your blog on your own website is a great strategy to increase site traffic and make the most of your website. 
  • Slideshows: Good method to explain difficult concepts or procedures, according to research.

BoFu: Bottom of the Funnel / Decision Stage

  • Narrow audience
  • MQL or SQL
  • Interested in your specific product
  • Ready to buy
  • High value

Your customer has a clear understanding of their issue, has chosen a course of action, and is currently searching for a specific product at this point in the sales funnel.

What you’ll need to make content for BoFu is:

  • A comprehension of the client’s issue.
  • A venue for showcasing potential remedies.
  • Incentive to purchase a good or use a service.

How to Write Stage Content for a BoFu Sales Funnel

Here, it helps to exhibit the product’s functionality, highlight its features, and highlight the advantages users enjoy. Although a sale or purchase is the end goal, all ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu content categories should put the customer’s needs first rather than their own.

An Easy Transition

The following step, the purchase, should flow naturally from this content and the previous content. Think about the preferred shopping location for this consumer persona: online? on your website or another website? inside a shop? A big box retailer or a little neighborhood shop? Make it as simple as you can to find this. Once more, use triggers and lead scoring to determine when a consumer enters and exits this stage.

Stage Content of the BoFu Sales Funnel

  • Case studies: Draw attention to issues or difficulties that the customer is experiencing at this step of the sales funnel, and demonstrate a solution.
  • Testimonials: They are essential for building social proof and trust. 
  • Product demonstration: Include a brief video that demonstrates the product in use. 
  • Product features: Highlight the capabilities and advantages that your product has over the competition. 
  • Products are contrasted: Recall that it’s acceptable if competitors succeed in some areas; the benefits of your product should be pertinent to your character. 
  • Webinars, also known as Webinies: Shorter webinies have replaced webinars as a typical way to hold clients’ attention.
  • Giveaway: Can influence many clients who have heard about your goods but may not be ready to buy.
  • Coupon: Much to a freebie, a discount may be all the incentive a customer needs to test out your goods or services.
  • User-generated content (UGC): Create compelling BoFu content by compiling social media postings, videos, blog articles, and other materials from your existing consumers.

After Purchase / Customer Evangelists

  • Narrow audience
  • Previous customer
  • Interested in forging a relationship with your company
  • Very high value

If a customer has a positive experience with your business, the material you choose to share with them can make them a brand evangelist and a devoted follower.

To develop brand evangelist material, you will need the following:

  • A list or collection of current clients.
  • Email is one of the finest ways to stay in touch with your consumers.
  • Knowing why customers like your brand or what they want from you is important.
  • How to Produce Sales Funnel Stage Content for Brand Evangelists.

You can find out what a customer values most about your company and wants to see more of it with a brief survey or questionnaire. Perhaps your clients value ethics and the environment, and they value your fair trade products and green initiatives.

Sales funnel stage content for brand evangelists

  • Special feature blogs: The content for blogs at this step of the sales funnel should differ from blogs you’ve previously published. 
  • Re-engagement emails: To keep your customers interested, change up the content and design of your emails. 
  • Contests or giveaways: This user-generated content strategy puts your customers’ content rather than your brand’s in the spotlight. 
  • Videos that tell stories are intended to inspire and engage viewers: You might draw attention to noteworthy actions taken by specific clients, business partners, charitable endeavors, or inspiring messages you want to encourage
  • Interactive campaigns: Unite your business and your consumers around a pertinent cause or message using a variety of platforms and content, including a mechanism to submit user-generated content.
  • Newsletters: Maintain client interest with bite-sized newsletters that provide useful advice, product discounts, news about forthcoming events, motivational stories, etc…
  • Establish community forums: Where customers may communicate with one another and discuss their experiences in a secure environment.
  • Online and offline activities: Encourage participation by routinely conducting both online and offline events and streaming live streams of seminars, presentations, or trade exhibits. 

As a Digital Marketing Agency based in Mauritius, we believe for nurturing to be successful, the appropriate content must be delivered at each level of the sales funnel. 

Read more: ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu: Crafting Content for the Sales Funnel

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